Tag Archives: data visualisation

Tracking and comparing regional coverage of coal seam gas

In the last post, I started looking at how the level of coverage of specific regions changed over time — an intersection of the Where and When dimensions of the public discourse on coal seam gas. In this post I’ll continue along this line of analysis while also incorporating something from the Who dimension. Specifically, I’ll compare how news and community groups cover specific regions over time.

Regional coverage by news organisations

One of the graphs in my last post compared the ratio of coverage of locations in Queensland to that of locations in New South Wales. Figure 1 below takes this a step further, breaking down the data by region as well. What this graph shows is the level of attention given to each region by the news sources in my database (filtered to ensure complete coverage for the period — see the last post) over time. In this case, I have calculated the “level of attention” for a given region by counting the number of times a location within that region appears in the news coverage, and then aggregating these counts within a moving 90-day window. Stacking the tallies to fill a fixed height, as I have done in Figure 1, reveals the relative importance of each region, regardless of how much news is generated overall (to see how the overall volume of coverage changes over time, see the previous post). The geographic boundaries that I am using are (with a few minor changes) the SA4 level boundaries defined by the Australian Bureau of Statistics. You can see these boundaries by poking around on this page of the ABS website.

The regions in Figure 1 are shaded so that you can see the division at the state level. The darker band of blue across the lower half of the graph corresponds with regions in Queensland. The large lighter band above that corresponds with regions in New South Wales. Above that, you can see smaller bands representing Victoria and Western Australia. (The remaining states are there too, but they have received so little coverage that I haven’t bothered to label them.) I have added labels for as many regions as I can without cluttering up the chart.

Figure 1. Coverage of geographic regions in news stories about coal seam gas, measured by the number of times locations from each region are mentioned in news stories within a moving 90-day window. The blue shadings group the regions by state. Hovering over the image shows a colour scheme suited to identifying individual regions. You can see larger versions of these images by clicking here and here.

Continue reading Tracking and comparing regional coverage of coal seam gas

It’s time

The last two posts have updated my progress in understanding the Where and the Who of public discourse on coal seam gas, but didn’t say much about the When. Analysing the temporal dynamics of public discourse — in other words, how things change — has been one of my driving interests all along in this project, so to complete this series of stock-taking articles, I will now review where I’m up to in analysing the temporal dimension.

At least, I had hoped to complete the stock-taking process with this post. But in the course of putting this post together, I made some somewhat embarrassing discoveries about the temporal composition of my data — discoveries that have significant implications for all of my analyses. This post is dedicated mostly to dealing with this new development. I’ll present the remainder of what I planned to talk about in a second installment.

The experience I describe here contains important lessons for anyone planning to analyse data obtained from news aggregation services as Factiva.

The moving window of time

The first thing to mention — and this is untainted by the embarrassment that I will discuss shortly — is that I’ve changed the way I’m making temporal graphs. Whereas previously I was simply aggregating data into monthly or quarterly chunks, I am now using KNIME’s ‘Moving Aggregation’ node to calculate moving averages over a specified window of time. This way, I can tailor the level of aggregation to the density of the data and the purpose of the graph. And regardless of the size of the time window, the time increments by which the graph is plotted can be as short as a week or a day, so the curve is smoother than a simple monthly or quarterly plot.

One reason why this feature is so useful is that the volume of news coverage on coal seam gas over time is very peaky, as shown in Figure 1 (and even the 30-day window hides a considerable degree of peakiness). Smoothing out the peaks to see long-term trends is all well and good, but it’s important never to lose touch with the fact that the data doesn’t really look that way.

Figure 1. The number of articles in my corpus over time, aggregated to a 30-day moving window. Hovering over the image shows the same data aggregated to a 90-day window. Continue reading It’s time

The Who dimension

My last post focussed on my progress in making sense of the Where dimension of the public discourse on coal seam gas, including how the Where intersects with the What. This post is about the Who. Somehow, I’ve managed to say almost nothing on this blog so far about the Who dimension of my data. Nearly all of what I’ve written has been about the What, Where and When. It’s time to rebalance this equation.

Until recently, the Who dimension of my data was represented only by a pool of Australian news organisations (at more than 300 sources, it was admittedly a rather large pool), as I was working just with the data I retrieved from the Factiva news database. Now that I have incorporated additional data that I scraped from the websites of community, governments and industry stakeholders (as discussed in my last post), the Who dimension has become a little bit richer. Before I start exploring questions about specific stakeholders and news organisations, or make decisions about which sources I might want to exclude all together, I want to survey the full breadth of sources in my data. I want the birds-eye view. But how to get it?

Who × When ÷ Where = Wha…?

In the previous post, I listed all of my stakeholder sources in colourful tables showing the production of content over time. Initially I thought that doing the same thing with 300 news sources would be ridiculous, but then I figured it might just be ridiculous enough to work. Through a creative deployment of Excel’s conditional formatting feature, I managed to make what you see in Figure 1. Each horizontal band is an individual news source, and the darkness of the band corresponds with the number of articles produced by that source per quarter. Within each state, the sources are grouped by region, although I haven’t indicated where these groupings begin and end (maybe next time!).

Figure 1. The temporal coverage of all news sources in my corpus.
Figure 1. The temporal coverage of all news sources in my corpus. Each horizontal band represents a news source, while the shading indicates the number of articles published per quarter.

For an experiment that I didn’t take very seriously, this viz actually isn’t too bad. It highlights several features of the data that are useful to know. Firstly, it shows that very few publications have been reporting on coal seam gas continuously since 2000. Nationally, there are The Australian, The Financial Review, Australian Associated Press, and Reuters News (these are not labelled on the graph, so you’ll have to take my word for it). In Queensland, there are the Courier-Mail, the Gold Coast Bulletin, and (to a lesser extent) the Townsville Bulletin. In New South Wales, there has been more-or-less continuous coverage from the Sydney Morning Herald, and somewhat patchier coverage from the Newcastle Herald. The long horizontal lines in Victorian part of the chart represent the Herald Sun and The Age. Continue reading The Who dimension

Where are we now?

It’s been a busy few months. Among other things, I presented at the Advances in Visual Methods for Linguistics 2016 conference held here in Brisbane last week; I submitted a paper to the Social Informatics (SocInfo) 2016 conference being held in Seattle in November; and I delivered a guest lecture to a sociology class at UQ. Somewhere along the way, I also passed my mid-candidature review milestone.

Partly because of these events, and partly in spite of them, I’ve also made good progress in the analysis of my data. In fact, I’m more or less ready to draw a line under this phase of experimental exploration and move onto the next phase of fashioning some or all of the results into a thesis.

With that in mind, I hope to do two things with this post. Firstly, I want to share some of my outputs from the last few months; and secondly, I want to take stock of these and other outputs in preparation for the phase that lies ahead. I won’t try to cram everything into this post. Rather, I’ll focus on just a few recent developments here and aim to talk about the rest in a follow-up post. Specifically, this post covers three things: the augmentation of my dataset, the introduction of heatmaps to my geovisualisations, and the association of locations with thematic content. Continue reading Where are we now?